Monday 12 December 2016


Nitrogen making up 3/4 of the Atmosphere and found in the air that we breathe, is a Non-Metal found in Group V on the Periodic table. It is also in the 2nd period on the Periodic table.
Image result for nitrogen symbol           

Its Atomic Number is 7

Its .Atomic Mass is 14

It has 7 protons, 7 electrons and 
7 Neutrons.

Image result for liquid liquid nitrogen
Liquid Nitrogen
Bohr-Rutheford diagram of Nitrogen
 Credit Alexander Morin 
Physical Properties:
- Nitrogens Boiling point is 320.431° F or 195.795°C 
- Nitrogens Melting point is 346.0°F or 210.0°
- Nitrogens Density is 0.001145 g/cm3 
- At 20°C (room temperature) Nitrogen is a Gas

As seen in the picture Nitrogen was a liquid, but it is most commonly known as a gas. That's because you can't see a gas, and think about if Nitrogen is in the AIR obviously we can't get a picture of the gas. Therefore it has to be a picture of it in the state of liquid.

Chemical Properties:
- Nitrogen has 7 protons and 7 electrons
- When Nitrogen reacts with Oxygen it forms NO (Nitrogen Oxide)

Nitrogen was first discovered in 1772 by Daniel Rutherford.
Its name 'Nitrogen' was given from the Latin words "Nitron" and "Genes".
It has had great impacts on the development of many things.
Such as, keeping potato chips in bags from going stale. In certain forms, it is a fertilizer. Oil companies even use it to push up oil from the ground.

Nitrogen makes up 78% of Earths Atmosphere's volume.
It is formed by "the distillation of air"
We use approximately 45 million tons of Nitrogen per year.
It is one of the most abundant elements in the universe.
Image result for Nitrogen memes

The largest use of Nitrogen is in ammonia. NH3 
It is a Molecular compound and a covalent bond between one Nitrogen and three Hydrogen atoms. It is called Nitrogen Trihydride. Ammonia or NH3 is used in fertilizer and is put on crops to increase their growth. 

Structural Diagram of NH3
Created by Alexander Morin

The structural diagrams help us figure out what it would look like. Just like water has a 'special' shape so does NH3 (a compound of Nitrogen.) It is that shape not only in the diagram but most likely in real life. That gives us a demonstration since we can't really see the gas itself.

It also takes the form of NH4, ammonium. It is different than ammonia and is found in the ground. It helps the plants develop better seeds and strengthens its leaves. Source DOW SEEDS

Structural Diagram of NH4
Created by Alexander Morin

What we use it for: 
1. Food Processing
(Keeping Potato chips from getting stale in the bag.) 
2. Purging air conditioning systems
3. Pressurizing airplane tires.
Found at

Image result for nitrogen chip meme
Picture found

Everything above that is faded is a link to a reference.
Chemistry, Royal Society of. "Nitrogen - Element Information, Properties and Uses | Periodic Table." Nitrogen - Element Information, Properties and Uses | Periodic Table. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

Gagnon, Steve. "The Element Nitrogen." It's Elemental - The Element Nitrogen. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

"Nitrogen | N2 - PubChem." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

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